Monday, September 22, 2014


When I was young, watching a Gojira movie was not anything special. I never considered what this monster symbolized. To me, Gojira was merely an embodiment of a child's admiration of power and chaos. Being older now, I see the dark secrets to this monster. It is ironic how an idol for many children represented the turmoil and suffering of their grandparents and parents. Miyamoto-sensei's lecture goes into immense detail of the Gojira details and what they teach. The trivialization is an interesting concept in the lecture to me. It is sometimes frustrating to observe the aspects of cruel reality being morphed and turned into an entertaining product. But movies like to do that.  At the very least, we can appreciate how these old movies have ever reflected on a dark part of history.

1 comment:

  1. せんそうや核(nuclear)の問題は、とても難しいですが、私たちも考えていかなければならないことですね。
